With more than 40,000 lives lost annually on highways in the United States and Canada and the growing attention on improving public safety through initiatives such as Toward Zero Deaths, Vision Zero, and the Road to Zero, the RSP represents an important step forward for the safety profession. The RSP certification provides for professionals involved in a wide array of safety-related disciplines to establish their competency in providing for the safety of the traveling public.
Level 2: This certification is geared toward professionals whose primary job functions are directed at improving the safety performance of the surface transportation system. It is for professionals responsible for developing and implementing engineering or behavioral programs aimed at reducing the number of fatalities and injuries due to road crashes. Prospective certificants will select between a Level 2 certification with a “behavioral specialty” or Level 2 certification with an “infrastructure specialty.”
Exams are administered by Meazure Learning, a recognized certification and licensure testing company, and managed by the TPCB with support from the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Additional questions? Check out these FAQs. If you do not see the answer to your question, please contact Ann O’Neill at certification@tpcb.org. Have a PTOE, PTP or both? Ask us about a discount.
TPCB would like to express its gratitude to the Federal Highway Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and all the organizations which dedicated funding to make the RSP certification a reality.